Challenges in Sustainability & Alums Conference 2024
© 2024 TUBS GmbH – TU Berlin ScienceMarketing
9 November 2024 | 09:00 - 18:00

Challenges in Sustainability & Alums Conference 2024

Technische Universität Berlin

A Platform to Address Challenges and Emerging Trends in the Energy Transition Towards Sustainability

As in previous years, in 2024, the T.U. Berlin’s Master in Energy is organizing its annual conference.

The Master in Energy program at TU Berlin is hosting this conference in cooperation with TU Berlin Science Marketing, TUB Academy, and Berlin Science Week 2024. The goal is to not only outline the current trends in the transition towards sustainable infrastructures (Energy, Mobility, Buildings, and Urban Structures) at both the German and European levels but also to discuss upcoming challenges. This conference also aims to unite Energy Master alumni, current members of the cooperating master programs and experts, and for a reunion filled with mutual learning and knowledge exchange. 

Sat, 11/09/2024 - 09:00 Sat, 11/09/2024 - 18:00

Return to Overview

  • Event open to academics, industry experts, and the general public.
  • Registration needed (see left).
  • Wheelchair accessible.
  • The conference takes place in the Elinor-Ostrom-Lecture Hall (H 0104)

Event Location

Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin