Portrait of Asen Lyubenov Georgiev, a white male in his late twenties, wearing a white shirt, s  looking straight into the camera, arms crossed

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig

Asen Lyubenov Georgiev

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Speaker

Asen was born in Pleven, Bulgaria in 1996. He moved to Giugliano in Campania, close to Naples, Italy at the age of 10. Asen graduated in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Naples Federico II with a Master’s thesis entitled “Principles and characterization of superconducting single- and two-qubit gates”. Since December 2022 he is part of working group 2.42 at PTB Braunschweig, where he is currently working on the QSolid project with the goal of developing superconducting qubits and related measurement techniques.