Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez
© Jiri Semecky-Overweg

FORUM Linking:Debate

Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Moderator

Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez is media artist, transdisciplinary researcher, and lecturer. Ph.D. candidate at Bauhaus University Weimar in Media Art, researching cultural history and theory, ecology, society, Indigenous philosophies in Brazil and Peru, and the Western artificial divide between nature and culture. MA in New Media from the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK) and Fulbright/IIE scholar in Fine Arts/Expanded Media in the U.S. Received the Vilém Flusser Art & Theory Award Honours at transmediale.11. In 2023, chaired the jury of the New European Bauhaus Prizes and in 2024 served as expert evaluator. She is a member of the Anthropocene Campus Latin America 2024 working group and the Anthropocene Commons. She is the co-founder of FORUM platform for Linking:Debate.