Deborah Causton
© Deborah Causton

FORUM Linking:Debate

Deborah Causton

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Moderator

Deborah Causton is an executive in digital business and transformation with a diverse background in product and technology. She has helmed various startups and innovation projects, and has experience spanning both international business environments and complex technology development. She is the Founder of FORUM, an innovative platform in linking:debate that seeks to bring trans-disciplinary discussion to the forefront of civic engagement. She's Managing Director of Kilimpombo, a non-profit dedicated to coordinating supplies for registered NGOs through initiatives that support local economies in East Africa. She's former editor of UPFRONT, a magazine dedicated to art, music and culture in the Saar-Lor-Lux region. Passionate about the science in science fiction, Deborah explores the intersection of technology, ethics and futurism through writing.